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Great style! I do feel things could be snappier and more impactful with the enemy animations, but the hit sparks on them and the players animations are great. Hope to see this game reach its apex.


Thank You Jimbo. Could you clarify what you mean by making the enemy animations snappier and more impactful?

I am just gathering up input and the suggestions so i can go back and improve the overall game play

They tend to float a while in the air, and don't seem to fly as far or fast when getting hit. I do appreciate the hit stun they get from particularly strong hits, but I feel the stun lasts too long before they go flying.  I've had a lot of experience playing Battletoads and ESPECIALLY Battletoads & Double Dragon, and the latter had a great feeling when it came to bashing enemies and comboing them in mid-air with repeated flying kicks. I totally get what you're going for, but when it comes to beat-em-ups it's important to both highlight the big moments and keep the game's flow going from beat to beat so the player can get to slugging the next baddy ASAP.

When is this happening to the enemies, which of Flares's moves so I can pin point the issue? So I should make them be less in the air and make them float to the ground faster.  I'm trying to understand so I can put this in my notes so I can make the necessary corrections and enhancements. The feedback is going to help a ton. If you have any examples, link me to them so I can take a look. The game isn't  up to the level I want it so I'm aware there are many issues.

I apologize for getting back to this so late.
I can use your video for reference since I'm not exactly great with figuring out how to record stuff on a computer.

The first combo with the Spiked Cleat Kick at 0:02, the two enemies beneath the Morning Star Drop Kick at 0:06,

The hit stun that occurs afterwards lingers a bit too long. I feel you could reduce the amount of hitstun time on the enemies by about half, though I could be overestimating.

On further inspection it seems to be happening whenever an enemy's movement forces them to collide with a surface, with the enemy at 0:02 bouncing off the invisible wall at the right and the two at 0:06 probably colliding against the floor, though I'm not exactly certain!

Sucks that the resolution doesn't scale and there's no resolution settings: since the game looks very good.


I will try to get that issue sorted out. The goal was to get the demo out and I was already stress out. Hopefully in the next update or 2, I will get that all set up and fixed ;)

No issue, take your time! one of the worst things to happen to indie devs is burn out so make sure to not stress yourself too much.

Loved it! Was a nice short demo and gave me Battle Toads vibes. Wish I had read there were combos haha but still won =) Keep up the great work and left a follow, looking forward to a final product! (Your game starts at 10:15)

Thank You so much for playing the demo. Battletoads as one of the main inspirations for this game and you will see more of its influences in some of the future levels. The full game will come out in a couple of years. Hopefully, there will be some major changes the final will improved upon. 

By the way, I loved how you were playing the game and discovering the mechanics. That is what gaming is all about. Hope more gamers will enjoy its much as you did.